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Massage Lomi Lomi Hawwaiien

Hawaiien Lomi Lomi Massage

The Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage releases Tensions, boosts our Vitality, our Skin throat exotic Sensations, and brightens our Spirits. Ideal for extending the benefits of the summer, without visa or passport!


Originally practiced by traditional Healers of the Hawaiian Islands in Polynesia, Lomi Lomi tumbles on our Shores. "More so a dive in the Well-being, this Massage open a World of sensuality et relaxation."



As all Massages that we offer, this traditional Massage has been handed down in his Home Country, Hawaii by a Shaman at Aloha Massage Academy.


Séance de 60 minutes: 80€


Massage Profondement relaxant

SIRET  512 957 788 00031  APE 8690F Activités de santé humaine non classées ailleurs

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